Substance of the poem “On killing a Tree” | “Not so much pain will do it”- Why does the poet say this? What role do the Sun and the air play in the tree’s life?

Substance of the poem “On killing a Tree”. “Not so much pain will do it”- Why does the poet say this? What role do the Sun and the air play in the tree’s life? Class 12 “On killing a Tree” by Gieve Patel Note with PDF.

On killing a Tree

Substance of the poem “On killing a Tree”.

this poem “On killing a tree” the poet Gieve Patel tells us how to
kill a tree. The process is not so easy. A simple jab of a knife can only harm
a tree but cannot kill it. Much labour and time are required to uproot a tree
that has grown over the years absorbing the sun, air and wate. After hacking
and chopping if the tree is left, the bark will heal and green twigs will again
appear from close to the ground. Gradually it will turn into a full grown tree
like before. For this to kill a tree it must be uprooted. After pulling out the
root that gives tree strength and life, the tree will be destroyed completely.
Then the tree is scorched, choked, made brown, hardent, twisted and 
Then destruction of a tree will be complete.

“Not so much pain will do it”- Why does the poet say this?

tries a lot to give pain to a tree. But tree remains silent against the cruelty
of man. It silently bears jab of knife and survives. Even hacking and chopping
can do nothing to kill a tree. The bark of the tree will heal itself and again
green twig appearing from the close to ground will turn into miniature boughs
soon. Thus gradually it will get back its former size again. So the poet makes
this satirical remark.


What role do the Sun and the air play in the tree’s life?

role of the sun and the air in a tree’s life can not be ignored at all as they
play double role in the life of a tree.
Besides, helping in the growth of a tree, they are responsible for tree’s
destruction. For the growth of the tree the sun gives light and air provides
oxygen. On the contrary when the tree is uprooted, the sun scorches it,
hardens, twists and makes it withered. The air chokes it to death. Thus the sun
and the air complete the destruction of a tree. 

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