Character of the girl in the story “The Eyes Have It” by Ruskin Bond. Class XII English Note with PDF. Download PDF.

Character of the girl in the story “The Eyes Have It” by
Ruskin Bond.
It is the
last few lines of the story which tell us the character of the girl. Until
these lines are read, one cannot draw her character properly. Getting into the
train from Rohana, she gave the lonely
narrator company. She was like a refreshing breeze to the dark and gloomy world
of the narrator. She was frank and free. Hence inspite of her mother’s
prohibition she started conversation with a stranger co- passenger. From her
entry into the compartment to departure, she was so adept in hiding her blindness.
She wished to visit Mussoorie, smartly avoided the narrator’s question by
saying him to see the outside himself and agreed with him about the moving
trees. The girl not only befooled the narrator but also all the readers. It was
the third man’s eyes that help us to draw a character of the girl.Undoubtedly
she was a very smart and clever girl.