Describe the incident in which mother witnessed the joy of sharing | ClassGhar | Note PDF |


Describe the incident in which mother witnessed the joy of sharing

the incident in which mother witnessed the joy of sharing


       In” Nobel Lecture” Mother dealt with love  and
peace. She  Illustrated a beautiful story of a poor Hindu family which
lived in Kolkata. There were   eight children and the family was
starving. Mother got the news from a gentleman who requested her to do
something for the family. Mother taking some rice went to feed the family.
There she saw the eyes of the children shining with hunger. She offered the
rice to the mother of the children. Then the mother kept some rice for them and
went out with the remaining . After enquiring Mother came to know that the
mother went to offer the remaining rice to a Muslim family which was also
starving. The mother of the Hindu family felt for the Muslim family. The Hindu
family forgetting their communion difference shared meal with the Muslim
family. It was the true and pure love that bound them together. If we can do
little acts of love and sacrifice we can also have the joy of sharing.

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