Give an account of sir Mohan Lal’s thoughts | Karma | Class xi note with Pdf |

Give an account of sir Mohan Lals thoughts | Karma | Class xi note with Pdf
Give-an-account-of-sir-Mohon-Lal’s thoughts

Give an account of sir Mohan Lal’s thoughts

    Sir Mohan Lal  is the central character of karma. When
the story started he sitting in a waiting room was drinking whiskey. While
drinking he was lost in thoughts.

    He would be astonished if he would have to travel alone in
the first-class compartment. He would feel delighted at the sight of English
officers and his  co-passengers. He would accept an impressive
conversation with them. But  he would never show his eagerness of having
their company, rather  he would play some tricks for winning their
attention. He usually sat  by the window. Then he would get out The
English newspaper “The Times”. He used to fold it in such a way so that the name
of the paper  would be visible to others. Someone would recognize his
valuable tie. He would then remind his beautiful days at Oxford.  If all
these failed to impress the passengers, sir  Mohan would ask for a scotch.
He would show His  gold cigarette case, full with English cigarette.
his  collection of English cigarette would surprise his English
co-passengers he would never mind to give them cigarette. Rather he would feel
proud.  Actually sir Mohan wanted to utilize The English Men as medium for
recalling his beautiful past of England. India and her people ; culture
were  disgusting to him. He felt  suffocated to live with his
countrymen and his wife also.

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