What did the learned men answered to the first question? Three Questions

did the learned men answered to the first question? 
What moral lessons do we find from “Three questions”? Why was the Tsar glad to have made peace of enemy? Class 12 Englisg Note.

Three Questions

did the learned men answered to the first question?

questions” is about a story of a Tsar who had three questions in his mind
and he wanted to know perfect answers to be successful in every attempt he
would try. Among those question his first question was “What is the right
time to start any action”. Learned men came to answer. Some suggested Tsar
to follow a perfect time table strictly. 
Some said that it would be an ideal past time to decide before hand the
right time to start an action, following a fixed time table. So, the Tsar
should attend to what was going on and then do the most needful. Other advised
the Tsar to keep a council of wise men as only they  are able to know before hand what is going to
happen. But all the answers were different no one was able to satisfy the Tsar.
So the Tsar did not reward anybody.

More Subject:-

What moral lessons do we find from “Three questions”?

questions” is a Tsar’s story- The Tsar who had three questions in his
mind. “What is the right time of every action”?  “Who are the right person”?  and  “What
is the most important business of a man”?- These were three questions of
the Tsar. But he did not get right answers from his learned men. He visited a
hermit, well known for his wisdom. There he got the right answers of his every
questions. The hermit answered that present is the most important time. The
person whom we deal with is the most important and to do well to others is the
most important work.

    This story is full of moral lessons. Each and
everything that the hermit explained to the Tsar, contained moral teachings. We
come to know that present is the most important time as at present we had any
power to do anything. One’s own judgment can only help to choose who is the
right person for him and who is not. We also come to not serving others

be the only motive of us as for this purpose we are sent on this earth. Above
all we learn that experience is the best teacher and we can learn the best if
we learn from our own realization.

Why was the Tsar glad to have made peace of enemy?

    Tsar came to hermit’s
cottage to quench his thrust for knowing the answers of three questions. More
than two hours has passed but he did not get any answer. When he asked for the
second time he came across a wounded man, coming towards him. He with the help
of hermit, nursed the wounded man and saved his life. The man was a stranger to
Tsar to them. But after recovery the man introduced himself as an enemy of the
Tsar who resolved to revenge upon the Tsar for executing his brother and for
seizing his property. But the Tsar showed sympathy and saved his life. So, the
situation made him realized his guilt. He promised to serve the Tsar as his
most faithful servant and also promised to tell his sons to do the same. The
Tsar saw that circumstances made his formidable enemy to be his most faithful
friend. So, he was happy to have made peace with his enemy. The Tsar promisde
to return his property and to send his royal Physician to serve the man.

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