Relation between Ben Price and Jimmy | Class Xi Chapter-3 | ClassGhar |


Relation between Ben  Price and Jimmy
Relation between Ben  Price and Jimmy

between Ben  Price and Jimmy


important characters of the story Jimmy and Ben Price are absolutely opposite
to each other. Their  relation was bound to be bitter. Jimmy, a smart
young man was a top-class burglar. He was a threat to bankers and others also.
No other detective had quality to arrest Jimmy. But it was Ben Price who was a
bitter and formidable enemy of Jimmy could only trace and arrest  Jimmy . Jimmy
was afraid of him. So he fled to Elmore to escape. But when at last Ben  Price,
got opportunity to arrest him, he freed  him being sympathetic as Jimmy
was no more a burglar.  Readers are surprised seeing the change in their
relationship. Ben  Price losing the game had owned the game of life. Thus
a bitter relationship got the name of a sweet friend like relationship.

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