“Well that’s way to start your family bliss”- Explain this line. “The proposal” as a farce. Note PDF.

 “Well that’s way to start your family bliss”- Explain this line. “The proposal” as a farce. English all questions-answers with pdf.


 “Well that’s way to start your family bliss”- Explain this line.

        Chubukov is the speaker of this
line. After Lomov and Natalya get engaged, he makes this remark.

         Natalya is 25 years old daughter of
Chubukov. He regards her as a burden. He is an 
hurry to marry his daughter
  Then Lomov comes with the marriage
proposal for his daughter and Lomov does not want to lose the golden
opportunity. He readily accepts it. But proud Lomov and stubborn Natalya
involved in quarrel twice for two different reasons- first for Oxen Meadows and
then for dog. However at last, Chubukov is successful to make them engaged and
prays for their happy conjugal life. But he is worried and is still doubtful
whether they will be happy or not in future as even after their engagement
Natalya and Lomov still are engaged in quarrel.

“The proposal” as a

The very name of the drama
“Proposal” indicates what the theme of the drama is. It is about a
marriage proposal by Lomov for Natalya. But before Lomov could be able to
propose Natalya, they involved in quarrel twice. Both insulted other and even
made scandals on family. At last with the help of Chubukov they engaged with
each other. Readers cannot but laugh a lot. They think “What a marriage
proposal! What Chekhov actually means to say?” Actually, the dramatist has
turned the drama a farce. He very briefly but vividly has Illustrated the then
society. Marriage was then like a convenient business deal. It was regarded as
an aristocratic status symbol. So, Lomov was interested in marriage only to
keep his status intact in society and to strengthen his economical condition,
combining his wealth with the wealth of his in-law after
marriage. He had actually no love for Nataly. Is marriage a simple matter of
convenience and economics? Chekhov actually makes satire on marriage without any bitterness, any
complications in plot or characterization. He has focused on marriage proposal
without any concern with complex human emotions and passions. He just aims at
comedy and through laughter he makes force on marriage in his play

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