“You have already been answered”- Who said this? How did he explained his answers? “Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy.

 You have already been
“- Who said this? How did he explained his answers? 
Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy. Note with PDF.


“You have already been answered”- Who said this? How did he explained his answers?

⤇ The Hermit said this.

⤇ As an answer of his first question, he
said that the time of digging the soil was very important to the Tsar as he
would have been attacked if he had not been engage in digging. To answer the
second question the hermit said that he was the most important person to the
Tsar at that very time. Then to answer the third question he said that doing
good to the hermit was the most important business to the Tsar.

⤇ Again the hermit set and another
example. He explained that the most important time was when the Tsar was
nourishing the wounded man as that time made the peace possible between the
Tsar and his enemy. So the man was then the most important person in his life
and what he deed for him was the most important business. Then, the harmeet
advised that “present is the most important to everyman. The person whom
he deal with is the most important person and to do good to that person is the
most important business as we are sent into life for this purpose”. 

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