Describe the second quarrel. When does Natalya learn about the proposal? How does she react in the way? Note PDF.

Describe the second quarrel. When does Natalya learn about the proposal? How does she
react in the way? “The Proposal” Class xii note with PDF.

Describe the second quarrel

When does Natalya learn about the proposal? How does she react in the way?

        After the argument overland when Lomov was told to leave
Stepan’s house, Lomov left the house angrily. Stepan’s continued to abuse Lomov
and then criticized him for giving his daughter for marriage proposal. Then
Natalya learnt about the proposal.

        Hearing the news that Lomov came with a marriage
proposal for her, she began lament for quarreling with him for a long time. She
insisted her father to bring Lomov back. Even she acted hysteric patient
saying,” I am dying, fetch him”.

        Natalya who had already reached and age of 25 could not find her suitor. She
became desperate and according to her father himself, she is a lovesick cat.
So, Natalya when got the marriage proposal from Lomov, she did not want to lose
the golden opportunity of getting a husband.


Describe the second quarrel.

        Lomov came to propose Natalya for marriage. But before he
could be successful, Lomov and Natalya engaged in quarrel for two different
reasons. The first was for Oxen Meadows and the second was for their dog. Both
of them claimed their dog to be more superior than the other. When Lomov
came that his guess was the best dog for which he spent 125 rubles, Natalya
ridiculed that 125 was too much for a guess. Lomov then described squeezer as
overshot and a bad hunter. Then Natalya found guess’s fault and referred it as
an old, bad breeding and as ugly as a worn-out cab-horse. Then Stepan interfered and referred guess as short in the muzzle. Lomov then said this
Squeezer was not a good runner. So, he was left behind while running with
count’s dog. Thus they continued their quarrel over a very simple subject.

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