Character of the Boy in the story “The Eyes Have It” by
Ruskin Bond. Class XII English note with PDF.

Character of the Boy
what he did was nothing but his attempt to hide his blindness from co-passenger
and also to impress the girl. He was very smart and adapt in his work. But his
effort of hiding his blindness proved that he suffered an inferiority complex
and was ashamed for being visually challenged. Yet he chanced to have the
company of his girl co-passenger. He was daring, gallant young man who praised
the beauty of the stranger the girl. He became nostalgic while recalling the
beauty of the hills of Mussoorie. He imagined the beauty of the girl. So, he
was imaginative and thoughtful. Though he was deprived of sight, god gifted him
with an inner vision.
- What was the next comment of the speaker?
- The Eyes Have It is a short story
- “Then I made a mistake”- discuss about it | The Eyes Have It By Ruskin Bond
- “You have an interesting face”- Who said this and to whom? How did the person spoken react?
- Character of the girl in the story “The Eyes Have It” by Ruskin Bond
- What message does the story offeer? The Eyes Have It |
- Exchange between the fellow passenger and the narrator
- “You are a very gallant young man”- who is the young man? why is he called “gallant young man”? How does the remark impress him?
- The story “The Eyes Have It” is a comment on seeing
- Irony used in the story “The Eyes Have It”