Exchange between the fellow passenger and the narrator | “The Eyes Have It” by Ruskin Bond | Class 12 Note with PDF

Exchangebetween the fellow passenger and the narratorThe Eyes Have It” by Ruskin Bond. Class 12 Note with PDF.


    Exchange between the fellow passenger and the narrator

    After the girl’s departure at
Saharanpur, a new passenger entered the compartment. Inspite of being a
stranger to the narrator, he remarked that the narrator must be disappointed as
he was not an attractive traveling companion as the girl. The narrator also
referred the girl as interesting but could not suppress his desire of knowing
the length of the girl’s hair. The question puzzled the passenger as he failed
to see it. But he informed the narrator that he had noticed the beautiful eyes
of the girl but those were useless and asked the narrator if he had not noticed
her blindness. This was a short conversation between the narrator and the third

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