[PDF] Find the tragedy in the poem “Asleep In The Valley” | “Look at the word Asleep”- What do we normally associate with the word?

Find the tragedy in the poem “Asleep In The Valley”. “Look at the word Asleep”-What do we normally associate with the word? When does the reader recognize that the soldiers is asleep in a different scene? “Asleep In The Valley” By Arthur Rimbaud.


Find the tragedy in the
poem “Asleep In The Valley”.


    As the poem describes the
premature death of a young Soldier, undoubtedly there is  a seed of tragedy planted  in this poem. An innocent soldiers who
leaving his family, comfortable life devoted himself for the welfare of his
country has to die a premature death in return for two bullets. Nobody cares
for him. He is lying dead, open mouthed spreading his body in the bushes.
Nobody is found around him except some buzzing insects . Two red holes made by
bullets are found by his side. It is nothing but the tragedy of war. Devoting
his precious life for others he has died helplessly in the war. Is not it a


“Look at the word
Asleep”-What do we normally associate with the word? When does the reader
recognize that the soldiers is asleep in a different scene?


    Though, the poem starts with
a natural description, it is not a nature poem. It is about the cruelty of war.
In the second stanza the soldiers is presented. He is lying open mouthed in the
bushes in the valley. Some time sleep signifies “death”. So, the
scene of lying soldier in Sun seems quite unnatural to the readers. Their guess
turns into suspicion when the poet requests the nature to keep him warm. At the
end of the poem their suspicion turn into their belief. The words “two red
holes” clearly proved that the young soldier is lying dead. The cruelty of
war snatched his life. He has to accept premature death in the war for the

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