History/Class-11প্রাচীন ভারতে ইতিহাসের উপাদান হিসেবে লিপির গুরুত্ব আলোচনা করো | Class XI Note With PDF | July 31, 2021
Philosophy/Class-12বিভিন্ন প্রকার বচনের শ্রেণীবিভাগ করো | Philosophy | Class 12 Note with PDF | ClassGhar | July 31, 2021
Philosophy/Class-12বাক্য ও বচনের মধ্যে পার্থক্য লেখ | Philosophy Note with PDF | ClassGhar | July 31, 2021
Bengali/Class-12কে বাঁচায় কে বাঁচে” গল্পটি ছোট গল্প হিসেবে সার্থকতা বিচার করো | bengali Note PDF | ClassGhar | July 30, 2021
Bengali/Class-12“কে বাঁচায়, কে বাঁচে “গল্পের নামকরণের সার্থকতা বিচার করো | Class 11 Bengali chapter-1 PDF | July 30, 2021
Education/Class-11শিক্ষা হল একটি প্রক্রিয়া ব্যাখ্যা করো | Education is a process | PDF | Classghar | July 30, 2021
English/class-11Write the title of the poem Daybreak | Class 11 Note with PDF | ClassGhar | July 29, 2021
English/class-11“I am a man, little do I last “- meaning these line | Brotherhood | PDF | July 29, 2021
English/class-11Explain the process by which the poet finally comes to know his identity | Brotherhood | PDF | July 29, 2021
English/class-11Brotherhood as a philosophical poem | Class 11 Note With PDF | ClassGhar | July 29, 2021
English/class-11Justify the title of the poem The Sick Rose | Class XI note with PDF | ClassGhar | July 28, 2021
English/class-11Relationship between the rose and the worm | Sick Rose | Note with PDF | ClassGhar | July 28, 2021
English/class-11What does the poet want to mean by the words like “Night”, “howling storm”, “found out” | The Sick Rose | Note PDF | July 28, 2021
English/class-11Write The Sick Rose as an allegorical poem | Class XI Note with PDF | ClassGhar | July 28, 2021
English/class-11Write the substance of the poem Sick Rose | Class XI Note With PDF | ClassGhar | July 28, 2021
English/class-11Use of imagery and symbolism in the poem | meeting at Night | note with PDf | Classghar | July 28, 2021
English/class-11Why is the poet sad in the last couplet of the poem | Meeting at Night | Classghar | July 27, 2021
English/class-11What is the significance of joy and fear | Meeting at Night | Note With PDF | ClassGhar | July 27, 2021
English/class-11Title of the poem Meeting at Night | Class 11 English Note with PDF | ClassGhar | July 27, 2021
English/class-11Use of personification | Composed Upon Westminester Bridge | Note PDF | July 27, 2021
English/class-11Upon the Westminster Bridge is a romantic poem | Composed Upon Westminster Bridge | Note PDF | July 27, 2021
English/class-11Dear God…Seem asleep…Why according to the poet at the houses asleep | Composed Upon Westminster Bridge | ClassGhar | July 27, 2021