English/class-12“Well that’s way to start your family bliss”- Explain this line. “The proposal” as a farce. Note PDF. November 10, 2021
English/class-12Title of the drama “The Proposal”. “The first quarrel of “The Proposal”. Note with PDF. November 10, 2021
English/class-12Character of Chubukov. Social picture of the then society in “Proposal”. All Question-Answers Note PDF. November 9, 2021
English/class-12Describe the second quarrel. When does Natalya learn about the proposal? How does she react in the way? Note PDF. November 9, 2021
English/class-12Character of Natalya. “The Proposal” as an one act play. All Questions-Answer Note With PDF. November 9, 2021
English/class-12Character of Lomov. What is ironic about Natalya’s request to bring Lomov back? The Proposal Note PDF. November 9, 2021
English/class-12Why does Lomov wants Natalya as his wife? The Proposal all Notes with PDF. ClassGhar November 9, 2021
English/class-12State the urgument in the octave and the sestet? Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day? All Questions-Answers PDF. October 17, 2021
English/class-12Substance of the poem “Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day?” All Questions-Answers note with PDF. October 16, 2021
English/class-12Why has the grasshopper never done with his delight? Why did Keats use sonnet form for his poems “Poetry of Earth”? How does Keats establish continually through the poem? October 14, 2021
English/class-12Substance of the poem “The Poetry of Earth” | The title “Poetry of Earth” | Note with PDF | October 14, 2021
English/class-12Why did Kalam’s father help people though he knew that it was not a correct approach? “When you pray we trancend you…creed”-explain | October 14, 2021
English/class-12[PDF] Why does the poet compare the soldier’s smile to the smile of an infant? How does the picture of the soldier describe the tragedy of War-explain? October 13, 2021
English/class-12Use of images in the “Asleep In The valley” | Role the nature of the poem “Asleep in the valley” | Note with PDF | October 13, 2021
English/class-12[PDF] Find the tragedy in the poem “Asleep In The Valley” | “Look at the word Asleep”- What do we normally associate with the word? October 13, 2021
Philosophy/Class-12সত্যাপেক্ষ অষ্টম অধ্যায় সমস্ত প্রশ্ন-উত্তর PDF | দর্শন দ্বাদশ শ্রেণি | ক্লাসঘর | October 13, 2021
English/class-12“You have already been answered”- Who said this? How did he explained his answers? “Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy. October 12, 2021
English/class-12“Fair comes someone running”- Who is the speaker? Who was coming? Why did he come running? What happened to him? October 12, 2021
English/class-12“Thank You Ma’am” as a short story | Why did not Mrs. Jones ask Roger anything embarrassing? Thank You Ma’am By Langston Hughes | October 12, 2021
BlogCharacter of Mrs. Jones | Why did not Rodger want to be mistrusted? Thank You Ma’am By Langston Hughes | October 12, 2021
English/class-12Character Of Roger | How did Jones try to change Rodger | Thank You Ma’am By Langston Hughes | October 12, 2021
Philosophy/Class-12নিরপেক্ষ বচনের ভেনচিত্র | Philosophy Class 12 Note with PDF | ClassGhar | October 11, 2021
English/class-12“On Killing a Tree”- is about man’s cruelty upon tree | What role does the earth play in the life of a tree? Note PDF | October 10, 2021
English/class-12Substance of the poem “On killing a Tree” | “Not so much pain will do it”- Why does the poet say this? What role do the Sun and the air play in the tree’s life? October 10, 2021
English/class-12Write about Kalam’s birth, birthplace and his parents | Write about Jainulabdeen as a religious person | Strong Roots Note with PDF | October 6, 2021